Sunday, January 27, 2013

St. Valentine's Day Pin - Heart and Stamps

Small Project for a Beautiful and Thoughtful 

St. Valentine's Day Pin:

 Here's how to make one:

You will need two wooden hearts:

1 x 1/2 x 1/8 inches
White and Red Craft Paint
Modge Podge
Wood Glue
Two pins
6 red stamps

Originally I was only going to use two stamps per heart,
as I got further into the project, I decided three stamps per heart looked better.
The stamps I used were all 100 years old or older.
I primed the two hearts with white paint (once),
then painted them red (twice).

I cut the stamps off their envelops and soaked them in water
to get the glue to release the paper envelop backing.

I Modge Podged the surface of the dried wooden heart.

Place only two of the three hearts onto the surface of
the wooden heart.

While still wet and able to move the stamp around the surface of the heart,
I held them to the light to center the head on the postage stamp.
Later I will be triming the excess away.  I do not want to
cut the top of the head off; keeping the end product visually pleasing
(and respectful of the President whose head adorns the stamp).

Then I let the hearts dry. 
This is when I decided two stamps were not enough.
Trim the excess or overlapping stamps with sharp scissors.
Rolling the stamps excess over the edge of the wood would be bulky.

I added a third stamp using Modge Podge.

Once dry I flipped them over and glued a pin on using wood glue.

On the back of the heart,
I wrote "To (added-name-here), From (added-my-name-here)"
and dated with a very thin permanent marker.

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