Monday, January 14, 2013

It Was 62 Degrees Today - A Half An Hour Outside of Boston, MA

So to remind everyone; it's usually cold here during winter/mid-January.  Everyone usually wears heavy layers of coats, scarves, hats and mittens and needs to scrap the ice off our windshields in the morning before driving off to work. Flip-flops and shorts are supposed to be in moth-balls until April or later.

Just so that you remember what it's supposed to look like this time of year, here are some pictures I took of another snow storm. 

I like the sound snow makes when it falls.  I think it's bouncing off dried oak leaves that refuse to let go of their branches.  Other sounds are muffled like cars driving in roadside slush.  I blink the flakes off my eyelashes.  Snow sneaks over the top of my coat's zipper and melts against my neck, as the steam from my mouth tries to melt it in transit.  Cold.  Snow flakes and I have a love-hate relationship.  A few are cute, more than a handful, too much.

Today was unreal.

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