Thursday, January 3, 2013

Organizing a Kitchen Cabinet

Organizing a Kitchen Cabinet

I like organizing things. 
That's not to say I walk around the house in the middle of the night looking for things to organize. 
In fact, I am not a highly motivated organizer. 
That sounds like an oxymoron.  Let's just say that I like the results. 
I am so thrilled with completing an organizing project, I go out of my way to gaze lovingly at what a good job I've done.  Needless to say, the first thing I did the morning after I completed this task was to open the cabinet doors to look at the final project.

Here's the Before Picture

You don't need to go out and buy expensive boxes, bins, nor organizers. 
I use shoe boxes (and the like).  Don't be afraid to write on them.
It makes it easier to find what you/others are looking for.
Also, when you can't decide whether to throw something away,
or can't decide whether you are ready to part with it.
Donate it!
Somebody who really wants it will end up with it and you don't have to store it
for the rest of your life waiting for the right moment to use it. 

Here's the During Picture


The shelves were starting to show that they were bowing/bending from the weight.
I washed the shelves and then flipped them over.
That ought to keep them in great shape to last years to come.

Here's the After Picture

I like that I can find what I am looking for.
I like that I am not embarrassed should I need to open the door to get something
while someone else is standing there.
I like that there is space to put a new item in the cabinet.

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