Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Denim Basket/Bag or Show and Tell Bag - You Decide

Recycled an old pair of jeans to make two containers for my niece's two boys.  They could be a "feed-bag" (aka "snack bag").

Cut the bottom of the jean's legs (about 10 inches long).
That's the most important thing to remember while taking scissors to used jeans.

I tried to draw a circle that would match up to the raw (unsewn/opposite of the hem) end of the jeans.  I used a small plate, cup or plastic cover.  I found the right size by matching it up to the bottom of the pant leg.  I hate math.

Pictured above is of the pieces I was able to extract from a pair of jeans.  I will show you what I made out of any remaining pieces. In another later posting to this blog.

I pinned the circle to the "bottom" of the bag and sewed it in place.  I recycled a heavy packing ribbon that wasn't "girlie" since the bags are for boys.

I embroidered their names on it.  With hope they will find a million and one uses for these bags.  Anything from lunch bags, treats in the car containers, Easter basket (?), Christmas stocking (?), a bag to pre-pack a show and tell item for daycare the following day, a toy bag, the possibilities are endless...

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