Friday, April 19, 2013

Great Day to be Out and About Shopping...

Great Day to be Out and About Shopping...

My right eyelid is red and puffy, but my eyeball is white.  This is something I cannot ignore.  I have checked around on-line for a CVS Minute Clinic to see what is available between the commute from work to home.  Nothing I find is convenient, so I will go to the one near home.

This is going to cost me a $20 co-payment, plus the drug, if I need a prescription, or an over-the-counter medicine.  But wait, what if I go to the pharmacist and ask him/her first?  I can skip the wait, the co-payment and go straight to buying something over-the-counter.  Hmm.

The CVS pharmacist came out from behind the counter and showed me two over-the-counter herbal offerings.  Then she confessed that a warm tea bag would work just as well.  She explained that the heat and packaging of the tea bag had more to offer in the healing process than the tea itself.  Bingo, I can do that.  I saved myself at least $20.  Thank you, lady pharmacist. 

I left CVS and continued on to the AT&T Store next door.  But wait, I picked a penny up off the sidewalk.  Ever since my Mom died, I cannot pass a coin on the ground, especially pennies.  On my Mother's deathbed my sister, Mary whispered into my Mother’s ear, “Leave us pennies to remember you by.”  So every penny is a spiritual gift from my Mom.  I stoop to pick it up and always say out loud, “Thanks Mom!”  Both of us are smiling, I’m sure.  I put the penny and my memories of my Mom in my pocket to keep me company.

The AT&T store is empty, except for one salesclerk.  I asked him if he would please check to see if I have a free upgrade due, as my phone’s battery is not keeping a charge well and I think it has aged out.  Sure enough, I do have an upgrade waiting to be claimed!  I want to check with my husband first, in case he needs the upgrade more, so I tell the clerk I am not in a hurry.  He seems excited; we now have an opportunity to chat.  He talks like a lawyer telling me he has been following (“unsubstantiated”) rumors on the internet that a new Apple phone will be available in the June timeframe.  “No formal announcements, just rumors.”  If I can wait a few months my upgrade will be to an Apple 4S for only 99 cents, plus $30 tax.  Since I’m not in a hurry, I can wait.  I thank him and leave feeling as if I’ve just bought something at a bargain price.

I am empty handed and happy.

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