Sunday, June 16, 2013

Out on the Lake with Rob and Mary

Before we even disembarked from the dock, two loons swam by to say "Hello"

Then we gave them a great tour around the lake and tried to get a couples picture with the sunset in the distance.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Vendors show up at the Brimfield Antique Fair with interesting collections for sale, either that or the collection on display is their specialty.   They could be an expert on the subject matter.  It's great to learn something new from a collector.  Feel free to strike up a conversation. 

Did someone really collect reflectors?

And then someone else collected ladders?

This vendor was selling necklace-sized silver crosses.
It was a very elaborate collection.
I was very impressed.
Vampires beware.

Steins and railroad lanterns.

Eagles from Year's - Brimfield Antique Fair

As kids, we'd count eagles as we drove around from place to place.  The habit is hard to kick.  Here's some eagles I found at the Brimfield Antique Fair last month.