Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Strange and Unusual from the Brimfield Fair - May 16, 2013

The Oddities from the Brimfield Fair - May 16, 2013

Doesn't this just make you smile?
My reflection is in the sunglasses.

I wonder what the buyer is like.

Bet this is hard to pedal.

Crashed plane with survivor hanging out the door.

Dental equipment and old Honda motorcycle.

Their pink flamingo needed a ride.

A decoy doing what decoys do.

A garden sculpture of a bloody foot.  Hm?

A pig furnace?

A fine kettle of fish.

Dealers are from the past heading into the future.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Planter That Will Get Full Sun

I like the look of the clay pots over plastic pots.
A stone or two covered the hole on the bottom.

 I needed to "weed" some hens and chicks out of the walkway for this project.

The completed project looks like.
I used cookie-shaped stones from the walkway to get the look I was hoping for.

 They look isolated.  I am going to have to make more planters for this space.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Wild-Wild World of Maine Squirrels - from the archives

The squirrels love to jump from tree to tree.  Every now and then you hear a THUMP, one missing a branch and falling through the branches to the ground.  They get up and run, so I am guessing they weren't harmed.
They remain steadfast and defiant.